Saturday, October 11, 2008

Would You Pay $1000 for a Chair Sat on by Paris Hilton?

Paris Hilton won alot of laughs when she responded to John McCain's celebrity ad against Barack Obama which used Paris reputation as a star. The heiress sat in a white lounge chair and discussed how her energy plan was better than "the wrinkely white haired dude's" plan. Now that chair is going to be a cash cow for one lucky friend of the family who allowed Paris to use it in the video.

See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die

Ebay is hosting the bidding starting at $1000.00. The auction ends on OCT17, so hurry now while no bids have been placed!

A word of warning to anyone who buys that chair, don't sit on it naked. You don't know what you might catch...

Speaking of Paris' bid for President, she has come out with a new ad highlighting more of her political savvy by asking Martin Sheen(one of our best fake president's)for fake advice!

See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die