Leave it Behar to show absolutely no class, she is a horrible no-talent comedian and looks like she constantly has a mouth full of crap and the latest news from the Defamer, shows her mouth is more full of it as usual as she tells Hasselbeck to "Fuck off".
After "The View" went off the air today, Joy and Elisabeth WENT AT IT backstage!!!!!
Joy jumped in Elisabeth's face about a comment she made about Joy not being able to plug her appearances because her act is "political in nature." This was in response to the controversy about the McCain t-shirt Elisabeth wore on the air on Tuesday.
Joy SCREAMED in Elisabeth's face, "If you do that again I will burn you down." Elisabeth turned beet red and started to stammer out something. And then Joy yelled, "Shut the fuck up" and stormed off.
Nobody backstage came to console Elisabeth who was left standing there. Not even Barbara. Not Sherri either.
In all honesty, The View is not the place for Hasselbeck, which makes the rumors of her moving on to Fox News where she will have double the audience not surprising at all even though her agent is saying there is no truth to those rumors.
Hasselbeck will be joining Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on the campaign trail in Florida though.
Fox News Palin Embed producer Shushannah Walshe has confirmed that ABC’s Elisabeth Hasselbeck, from the popular ensemble talk show, The View ,will join Gov. Sarah Palin on the campaign trail this Sunday in the vital battle ground state of Florida. Hasselbeck a well-known Republican is the lone conservative on a panel which also includes Whoopi Goldberg, and Barbara Walters. She will introduce Palin at two rallies in the Sunshine state, including one in Tampa.